A message from Alan Wolf & Robert Semsarian

Business sustainability through responsible measures – to our clients, partners and suppliers.
For over 30 years Bay Travel has been providing travel management services to large corporate, SME and leisure clients. Over this time we have focused on delivering extraordinary service through our passion and commitment.
To remain sustainable during this period of crisis, and for our doors to remain open, our Sydney and Perth teams are now working from home on reduced rostered shifts.
With an existing work-from-home policy, with technology and phone systems in place, our team has effectively managed the continual developments and changes over the last few weeks.
Our service remains unchanged – with business hours 8:30am to 7:30pm AEST weekdays, and the After Hours service team at the ready.
We have put these responsible measures in place to sustain Bay Travel during this unknown period in time – to ensure we come back as strong and engaged as we’ve ever been.
Thank you to the Bay team, clients, partners and suppliers for your support and please contact us if you have any questions. Our team is here to help.
Alan Wolf & Robert Semsarian, Directors